Periodontal Therapy

Caring for oral health involves not only ensuring the integrity of tooth enamel, preventing and treating cavities, but also assessing the condition of the gums and the bone supporting the teeth.

Untreated periodontal diseases can lead to the loss of otherwise healthy teeth that have never been filled. However, with proper oral care addressing these chronic conditions, excellent results can be achieved, enabling a fulfilling life.

Periodontitis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the accumulation of plaque on the surfaces of teeth. Bacteria within dental plaque activate the human immune system and prompt inflammation of the bone surrounding the teeth. Periodontal diseases are highly prevalent, with up to 70% of adults exhibiting signs of varying severity of periodontitis.

Symptoms of Periodontitis:

In the early stages, periodontitis is often asymptomatic. Mild forms manifest with bleeding gums, swelling, and redness. Smokers may not experience primary symptoms as smoking reduces gum bleeding and masks changes in gum color. 

As the disease progresses, late-stage symptoms appear, including tooth mobility, gum abscesses, and tooth migration. Periodontitis is a major cause of tooth loss, and if left undiagnosed, periodontal pathology can negatively impact not only oral health but also overall well-being, increasing the risk of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and other pathological states. 

Treatment of Periodontitis

First Stage of Treatment:

During initial (non-surgical) periodontal treatment, accumulated calculus and plaque are removed from the tooth surfaces. This procedure is typically performed in one or two visits under local anesthesia. Afterward, a special antiseptic mouthwash is prescribed, along with individual hygiene instructions. Following initial periodontal treatment, signs of gum inflammation begin to subside, with reduced bleeding and swelling. 

Around 6-8 weeks after initial treatment, a follow-up visit is conducted to measure periodontal pocket depth and evaluate treatment outcomes. If deep (>5 mm) periodontal pockets persist, the patient is referred for further treatment. Non-surgical periodontal treatment is often sufficient for mild cases of periodontitis. However, individuals with severe periodontal pathology often require surgical periodontal treatment.

Second Stage of Treatment:

Surgical periodontal treatment, known as flap surgery, involves the removal of deep-seated calculus and damaged gum tissue. During this procedure, the gums are repositioned with sutures. Flap surgery is performed under local anesthesia, making it painless. Some discomfort in the surgical area may occur after the procedure but typically subsides within 24 hours. 

Third Stage of Treatment:

This is the maintenance phase aimed at preventing disease recurrence. Recurrent disease progresses rapidly, requiring more complex treatment. In this stage, regular professional oral hygiene and strengthening of oral cavity immunity are recommended under the supervision of a dentist.

This is a procedure during which tissues around the tooth are removed to create access for quality dental filling or prosthetics. If the tooth is broken deeply below the gums, the procedure also involves correction of the gum line and exposure of healthy tooth tissue.

Procedure Steps:      

The treatment is performed under local anesthesia. Depending on the extent of the damage, gum tissues are removed during the procedure, and if necessary, bone contouring is performed. At the end of the procedure, the gums are adapted with sutures. The result of the procedure is the exposure of more healthy tooth tissues and giving the gums a natural shape.

What to Know After the Procedure?

After the procedure, you can expect some minor discomfort in the surgical area, which usually subsides within 24 hours.

Procedure Duration: 60 - 90 minutes.

Curettage of one tooth: €39

Quarter-mouth flap surgery: €200

Flap surgery in one jaw area: €200

Complex flap surgery in one jaw area: €250

Clinical crown lengthening: €99

Gingival recession plastic surgery: €330

Tooth filling (per tooth): €60

Tooth root amputation: €110

Supportive periodontal therapy: €110

Tooth splinting with fiberglass tape: €200

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