Dental Fillings/Therapeutic Treatment

Reasons for Dental Fillings: Dental fillings are performed for several primary reasons, including tooth decay, wear, replacement of substandard fillings, and covering sensitive areas.

Treatment Process

Dental fillings are typically required when a cavity (tooth decay, a hole) forms in a tooth. After administering local anesthesia, the decayed tooth tissue is removed, and the tooth is filled, restoring its aesthetics and function. 

Fillings may also be needed to restore worn tooth surfaces, replace old and poor-quality fillings, cover sensitive areas or exposed roots, and prepare teeth for prosthetics. 

Fillings may also be needed to restore worn tooth surfaces, replace old and poor-quality fillings, cover sensitive areas or exposed roots, and prepare teeth for prosthetics. 

It is crucial to visit the dentist before experiencing pain, ideally a few times a year. 

With thorough diagnostics and X-rays, the dentist can identify issues at an early stage, making treatment easier and more efficient. 

If you experience severe pain, the tooth often cannot be filled until root canal treatment is completed. For fillings to last many years, daily interdental cleaning and annual professional dental cleanings are essential. These cleanings restore the fillings' shine, polish sharp edges, and clean interdental spaces.


Duration of Treatment:

Filling a single tooth usually takes about an hour. 


Post-Procedure Care:

After the procedure, it is recommended not to eat until the anesthesia has worn off.

Single-surface tooth restoration: 86 

Two-surface tooth restoration: 106 

Three-surface tooth restoration: 126 

Single-surface restoration for anterior tooth: 114 

Two-surface restoration for anterior tooth: 134 

Three-surface restoration for anterior tooth: 154 

Caries treatment with ICON infiltration system: 75 

Occlusal restoration: 189 

Aesthetic restoration of a single tooth: 258 

Restoration of worn incisal edge: €148 

Utilization of bioceramic materials: 92 

Provisional/temporary filling: 28 

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