In some cases, to ensure the highest quality of service, treatment can be done under general anaesthesia or sedation

Each patient’s health condition and needs are unique. The dentist diagnoses and consults to create an individualised treatment plan, while the anaesthesiologist, after consulting with the patient, determines the most appropriate method of anaesthesia.

Dental procedures under anaesthesia or sedation are most often needed for:

Complex and lengthy treatments

Treating particularly uncooperative or very young children

When the patient has an uncontrollable fear of the procedure

Any dental procedure, even a minor one, that causes physical discomfort



While under sedation, the patient remains awake or in a very light sleep throughout the treatment. 

The primary goal of this method is to minimise feelings of anxiety and fear. 

Sedation does not provide pain relief, so local anaesthesia (numbing) is always used. During procedures involving intravenous sedation, an anaesthesiologist is always present to regulate the necessary medication doses and monitor the patient’s breathing, heart activity, and blood pressure.


General Anesthesia


General anaesthesia is a state of controlled unconsciousness. During a general anaesthetic, medicines are used to send you to sleep, so you're unaware of surgery and do not move or feel pain while it's carried out.. 

While under anaesthesia or sedation, an anaesthesiologist is present to monitor the patient’s breathing, heart activity, and other vital functions. In some cases, artificial lung ventilation is applied. 

After procedures under general anesthesia full awakening may take a bit longer. The anesthesiologist will be present, and the patient should remain in the clinic for a while to ensure their health condition is stable.

Premedication (15 minutes): €70

Sedation (first hour): €310

Sedation (subsequent hour): €110

Local anaesthesia: €185

General anaesthesia (first hour): €335

General anaesthesia (subsequent hour): €105

Recovery ward (30min.): €70

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